The top Scooter Club in Surrey, 60s Scooter Club meets every Wednesday evening come rain or shine.
At the moment we are meeting at the Worplesdon Hotel near Guildford, although this will change when the sun come out again and it gets warmer, then we will be riding to various locations on a Wednesday night for a drink and a chat.
Members are normally there from 7:30 onwards. We chat about scooters, rideouts, football, clothes everything and anything,
It would be great to see some new faces and some more classic scooters at our club.
So if you feel like a good night and, or you want to come down and show us your classic scooter (weather permitting), then please feel free to come and see us, you will be made very welcome, and who knows, if you like us enough you may want to join.
Looking forward to seeing you there..